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Historical Committee

The BOFA, Inc. Genealogy Committee genealogy committee plays a vital role in preserving and promoting the family’s history, heritage, and connections.

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Historical Committee

Key Activity Areas for the Historical Committee:

Research and Documentation:

Family Tree Creation: Compiling detailed family trees, documenting lineage, and identifying relationships among family members.
Historical Research: Investigating historical records, such as birth, marriage, and death certificates, census records, and immigration documents.
Oral Histories: Collecting oral histories and personal stories from family members to preserve the family’s narrative.

Genealogy Workshops and Seminars:

Educational Sessions: Organizing workshops to teach family members about genealogical research methods and tools.
Guest Speakers: Inviting experts in genealogy and history to speak at family gatherings or events.


Archiving and Preservation:
Document Preservation: Ensuring the proper preservation of important family documents, photographs, and artifacts.
Digital Archives: Creating and maintaining digital archives to store and share genealogical data and family histories.

Publishing and Sharing Information:
Newsletters and Bulletins: Producing newsletters or bulletins that share updates on genealogical findings and family news.
Family History Books: Compiling and publishing comprehensive family history books or monographs.

Family Reunions and Gatherings:
Reunion Planning: Organizing family reunions that focus on sharing genealogical information and celebrating family heritage.
Historical Tours: Arranging visits to ancestral homes, significant family locations, or historical sites relevant to the family’s history.

DNA Testing and Analysis:
DNA Projects: Coordinating DNA testing projects to uncover genetic connections and verify lineage.
Analysis and Interpretation: Helping family members understand and interpret their DNA results in the context of family history.

Collaboration and Networking:
Connecting Relatives: Facilitating connections between distant relatives and newly discovered family branches.
Genealogical Societies: Collaborating with local, national, and international genealogical societies and organizations.

Online Presence and Resources:
Website Development: Creating and maintaining a family association website to share genealogical information and updates.
Social Media: Utilizing social media platforms to engage family members and share genealogical discoveries.

Genealogical Projects:
Special Projects: Initiating projects such as transcribing old family letters, diaries, or records, and creating timelines of significant family events.
Photo Identification: Organizing efforts to identify and catalog old family photographs.

Support and Assistance:
Research Assistance: Providing support and guidance to family members interested in conducting their own genealogical research.
Resource Sharing: Offering access to genealogical resources, databases, and tools.

Contact Us!

If you would like more information about BOFA, Inc. committees, please let us know!

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